Ukrainian societies date back to 4800 BC. The country is located in an area where Trypillian and Scythian societies thrived

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Thousands of Jews were offered protection by Ukrainian religious leaders during World War II

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Ukraine is home to several archaeological spots that were preliminarily Barbarous agreements

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The world’s first constitution was drafted and introduced in 1710 by Ukrainian Hetman Pylyp Orlyk. The document was aimed at introducing the separation of powers

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Russia and Austria showed veritably little interest in Ukraine in the 19th century. The country was generally pastoral

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Catherine the Great and some of her successors supported adding German immigration into Ukraine following the Russo-Turkish War in the late 1700s

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Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt met at the Yalta Conference in 1945, which was hosted by Ukraine

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In 1986, Ukraine witnessed the world’s worst nuclear power plant disaster. The tragedy passed at the Chernobyl plant located in the northern part of the country

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Kyiv, boasts the Hero City status, which was conferred by the Soviet Union in honor of its fierce resistance to the Nazis in 194

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The country shares ties with Western Europe that go back times

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