Pregnancy tests have been around since 1350 BC. Egyptian women urinated on wheat and barley seeds to determine if they were pregnant or not

Photo Credit : ISTOCK

Europeans were afraid to eat tomatoes when they were introduced.

Photo Credit : ISTOCK

The man with the deepest voice in the world can make sounds that people can't hear

Photo Credit : ISTOCK

Cows do not have upper front teeth. They use this with their lower teeth to pull out grass

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Thanks to 3D printing, NASA can send tools to astronauts via email

Photo Credit : ISTOCK

Only a quarter of the Sahara Desert is covered with sand. Most of it is covered with gravel, although there are also mountains and oases

Photo Credit : ISTOCK

Bananas grow upside down. As they get bigger, the fruits turn towards the sun, forming a characteristic curve

Photo Credit : ISTOCK

Most volcanoes probably stopped erupting about a billion years ago, but NASA research suggests that there could still have been active lava flow 100 million years ago, when dinosaurs were still roaming

Photo Credit : ISTOCK

Dogs usually start sniffing through the right nostril and then keep it there if the scent could signal danger

Photo Credit : ISTOCK

Avocado named after reproductive organs. The native peoples of Mexico and Central America used the Nahuatl word āhuacatl to mean both "testicles" and "avocados"

Photo Credit : ISTOCK


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